Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Top Ten

Lauren's Top Ten Favorite Things About Living In Southern California:

1. The Weather: I love how I am never very hot or cold, and that I can wear shorts almost every day.
2. The Beach: I love that any time that we have a few extra hours we can drive to the beach. I love feeling the warm sand under my feet and the cool wind on my face as I walk.
3. The Plants: Never in my life have I ever seen such a wide variety of plants. The coolest thing was seeing a little pineapple growing out of the ground.
4. The Hills: How when I walk to the top of a hill I can see the snow covered mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.
5. The San Diego Zoo: It was beautiful walking around and seeing all the different animals. The plants at the Zoo cost more than the animals that are there.  
6. The Mail: I love sending and getting letters. I have never been far away from my family and friends to send or get many letters. Now I get lots of mail.
7. The Distance: I miss my family very much. But the distance makes every phone call, every letter, and every time I get to see them so precious. I can truly see what I have.
8. The Grauman's Chinese Theater hand prints: I am a huge Harry Potter fan. It was cool to see the main characters hand and foot prints in concrete. 
9. The Museums: The Getty Museum has really cool exhibits. The Arts and Craft Museum has fun art nights. Where you can go and create something.
10. The Walks: I like how most days are great for walking, and there are so many different places to see when walking.

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